Sunday, January 29, 2012

Everything is too damn sweet

Almost every vegetable or fruit breeder out there is selecting for sweetness, since that's what the consumers want nowadays. We have “super sweet” sweet corn, sweet carrots, sweet cabbage, sweet broccoli, and sickly sweet fruit. There is also a selection for “milder” tasting fruits and vegetables, with carrots tasting less like carrots, and apples less like apples. To me, it seems every plant product is tending towards some form of sugar delivery system.

This irritates me, as I want to cook with “serious” vegetables. Carrots that with slap you in the face with their terpene content, and flavor the shit out of soups. I'm also looking for fruits that actually taste different from each other, in other words, fruits that have higher concentrations of phenolics, and aromatics. In the past years I've been enjoying “antique” apples, and eating many different kinds, since some have more spicy notes reminiscent of licorice, or more milder notes like bananas and strawberry.

Another thing that I've been thinking about, is that since many of the compounds that give fruits and vegetables their characteristic are actually there for defense against pathogens and herbivores, by selecting against these compounds, were actually selecting for plants that are essentially harder to grow. Instead of plants defending themselves against pathogens, we have to take the roll with insecticides and pesticides.

If we just bred plants for being what they are, and not focusing on making a bland, sweet consumable for the masses, we could enjoy more kinds of flavors in our foods, and grow them better.

Now I just need to get some of these heirlooms varieties and breed my own.

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