Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Evolution of Paleo

A constant evolution is shaping paleo. Many have probably noticed this before, something along the lines of paleo changing until it is "done," or maybe realizing that it's going to be a work in progress as long as it exists. I'm not entirely sure what everyone thinks, but it is apparent that paleo is evolving.

What recently reminded me of the evolution, is a recent string of posts on how carbs really aren't that bad (or at least not as bad as the paleo community has been painting them). This mainly comes from two posts by Danny Roddy, and also Stephan Guyenet's critique of  how Gary Taube's carbohydrate hypothesis is flawed/wrong (I haven't read Good Calories, Bad Calories; or Why We Get Fat yet. This is making me question the worth of reading the two books). Changes in my own diet are partially mirroring the paleosphere, inasmuch that I'm starting to include more carbs and not be in keto as much I as I used to be. From this I would say that my own version of paleo is changing as I learn more about nutrition, and also as I learn more about how I work. 

What I really want to say about the evolution of Paleo, is that is should not really be feared, and in fact it should be embraced. Paleo separates itself from the other "diets" by being able to change, and not be stuck to some kind of dietary dogma that the followers must believe in. In effect Paleo is changing to reflect the current knowledge of human nutrition and it's critical interpretation in an evolutionary light. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Follow up on Ice Cream PWO

So, it's been a while, but I guess I've sufficiently experimented with ice cream enough to come to the conclusion that it's not for me (at least for PWO applications).

The first time I ate one 14oz container of Häagen Dazs Five mint flavor, and it was pretty hard to finish it off. I felt pretty full after eating half of the container, but pushed through to the end (years of dysfunctional eating came into play there). The ice cream itself was fairly disappointing, being that I remembered ice cream tasting better. I guess I wasn't missing much. I had the other 14oz container PWO later in the week, with both ice cream eatings following a heavy lifting session.

I've recently been doing some sprinting work, and eating a little ice cream after that, primarily just to get rid of some ice cream I bought thinking that I would do more PWO ice cream, but today was that last day I'm doing that. I haven't been lifting regularly, which kind of feels weird, as I moved off of campus, and I don't have easy access to a gym. I'm also traveling a lot, which doesn't help.

I'd say that my body can now handle influxes of carbs better than it used to, since post-ice cream I didn't get any bloat going on, and my weight stayed relatively constant. I don't think I will use ice cream as PWO normally, as I might just save it for when I want to get a couple heavy lifting sessions in, and I will probably use it in conjunction with some higher intensity cardio too.