Friday, June 24, 2011

Current Diet

Right now I'm eating “lacto-paleo”, that is paleo, except with added dairy. I've noticed that I tend to have a little more mucus production (I've got to blow my nose once a day) than before, but I'm willing to deal with it in order to eat dairy. I've been trying to keep myself in keto since the beginning of may or so, so I've been taking in 50g or lower of carbs a day. I got turned onto some dangers of keto by one of my friends who knew someone who follows the Perfect Health Diet, and I decided to include a small sweet potato post workout now. I then happened upon keto myths over at, showing that I really don't have to worry, although I'm still keeping that post workout sweet potato.

I'm toying with the idea of bringing myself out of ketosis for a day or so over a weekend, just to break up my keto period, although with my occasional drinking of cider and such, I probably don't have to worry about my keto period being long and unbroken. The 'bringing myself out of keto' might resemble the Anabolic diet from Stronglifts, where I eat fat/protein during the week (keto), and eat carbs/fat on the weekends, while limiting my protein (not keto). Having 'fat days', where all I eat are fats, sounded appealing to me, and I'm thinking about trying that. The only thing I'm wary about is restricting my protein, and having it affect my recovery time from lifting. I'll have to get around to reading more about leangains and such, although I'm thinking about implementing a two-meal-a-day plan, where I have a breakfast and a dinner that makes up all my food. I've also been having days where I just don't feel like eating, so I might just do some fasting instead. We'll see.

Anyway, for some samples of what I've been eating:

One Day - a typical work day:

  • Breakfast - 3/4 of lean conventional meat, 6oz of grass-fed cheese, 2 TBS pastured butter on brussel sprouts
    • ~100g protein, ~84g fat
  • Lunch - 1 cup shredded, dried unsweetened coconut, 6 TBS organic heavy whipping cream
    • ~20g protein, ~76g fat, 12g carbs (from coconut)
  • Dinner - 3/4 of lean conventional meat, 6 oz grass-fed cheese, 2TBS pastured butter on brussel sprouts
    • ~100g protein, 84g fat
  • Totals - 220g protein, 244g fat, 12g carbs, roughly 3100 cals
Today - kind of went heavy on the cheese:
  • PWO (10:00am) - protein shake with half&half (rather tasty), one sweet potato, 2 TBS pastured butter, 5oz conventional cheese, frenched green beans and conventional catfish
    • ~120g protein, ~90g fat, ~60g carbs
  • Meal 2 (4:30pm) - 4oz conventional Brie with brussel sprouts, 6oz grass-fed cheese
    • ~60g protein, 100g fat
  • Meal 3 (8:45pm) - 2 TBS pastured butter and brussel sprouts, 4 oz grass-fed cheese
    • ~24g protein, ~64g fat
  • Totals - ~204g protein, ~254g fat, ~60g carbs, ~3350 cals
Turns out I've got a thing for melted cheese. Today I cubed up the cheese and heated in the microwave, pretty good stuff. I've also melted cheese on pork rinds before, which turned out to be a really great idea, but I really plow through those, so I don't keep pork rinds stocked at my place anymore.

I'm thinking about going back to a more meat and butter/coconut oil based keto, and go away from the dairy, since I'm pretty much using cheese at a main fat source. I tend to think that I feel more 'clean' on just meat, butter, and coconut oil (and also some veg).

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